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1-2ACADEMY OF COLD SCIENCE AND YOGA Several useful advices about pain of the spine. Nearly, the half of the civilized european population suffers from pains in loin, conditioned and breach of the bearing, and excessive mass of the body, and absence of the regular physical loads. With the current rhythm of the lifes, far from there is possibility beside each to visit the sports hall, pool or concern with LFK. Besides, reason of the pains in the field of rump (the loins) are: damages interspine disk and pains of the neuralgic origin because of long nervious stress испытуемых on work, building, during training. Any, long stressful situation negativly tells on our health. The Operation seldom gives the positive effect so necessary try all possible not to allow premature surgical interference, as a result of studies patient since, subdued to operations even in very serious clinic and neurological institute, is installed that beside each fifth patient after operation on spine as before exist to pains. The most important under such pain - a mastering different way anesthetizations. The Piercing pain caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve, or pain in loin, otherwise named "lumbago", possible reduce the sollux. The Home facility, which is exceed acts - 10 minutes compresses from damp or fried pommel. Well help as well as dirt of the bath, however their it is impossible receive a visit at home condition. Extract is recommended For internal use in the manner of tea, prepared from the following component: sheet of the pear, sheet of the primrose (the primroses), sheet of the pussy willow, herb of the gold(en) rod. The Dry components mix, взяв them in equal shares, flood the boiling water and persist for ten minutes. Such tea it is necessary to drink three times at day on one glass. In drugstore possible to find much unguents and plasters, intensifying circulation of the blood, warming and softenning action which is founded on such component to a considerable extent, as pepper or bee poison. The Unguent follows to inflict very fine слоем and carefully rub them in body, but plaster, наклеенный on painful place, leaves through day only. If reason of the malaise are a neuralgic pains, caused by frustration of the nervious system or stress, that usually helps натирание можжевеловым a mask or tea from sage. One of the the most pleasing ways of the treatment - a sail in hot-water pool, uniting and разогревание sore spots, and atheletics. Alas, a few can испробовать this way. Iscelyayuschie motion Only regular occupations by atheletics will support our muscles, ligaments, joints and spine in behooving rubber-band condition. Several uncomplicated exercises without person of the labour will manage each of us to execute, in spite of routine days. The Age not hindrance, begin never late. Four proposed exercises will consolidate the spine, will prevent the pains in the field of backs: on back Lying down, broadly spread the hands in sides, bend the left leg, but shift to the right raise in top and bend aside left hand. The Exercise repeat with left leg i.e. compress the shift to the right, but left leg raise and lower aside right ruki. Lying down on belly, try simultaneously to raise the higher part a trunk and legs, greatly tensing muscles, then return in source position and repeat uprazhnenie. Lying down on belly, raise the higher part a trunk with hand, brought for head. We Try to remain in such position minute, trying not to tear away the legs from pola. Lying down on back with brought for head hand, raise the higher part a trunk, simultaneously mildly tighten the legs and right elbow concern the left knee, then on the contrary - left elbow concern the right knee. These exercises much not complex and do not require nor what special adjustments, but their regular execution will bring about that that around our overloaded spine will appear своеобразный "muscular corset", which will take over part of overloading. The Humid heat against rheumatism At treatment of the rheumatic pains always use the humid heat, in the manner of humid compresses usually, грязевых aplique work or masks from фанго, since unlike electric heater or rubber warmers humid heat reduces sweat outcome. This it is important since perspiration - much best conductor of the heat, than air, and this vastly enlarges the return of the heat by compresses tele. The Warm compresses promotes the expansion of the blood vessels, due to that increases circulation of the blood in that part of the body, which we cure, but this in turn accelerates metabolism. The All the manner of bad sediment and material, accumulated in muscular fabrics, "вымываются" escalated circulation of the lymph and stand out through times of the skin that vastly relieves work a bud. One more positive quality humid, warm compresses - weakenning influence not nervious system. What follows to fall off If pains in loin are connected with weakened muscle of the back, that they сильнее whole early in the morning, right after ascent with beds. The Reason this can be bad selected mattress. One, suffers the pain in spine, regardless of their origins, follows to sleep on fine mattress, liing not on spring, but on board. The People with sensitive back in no event must sleep on triple mattress. During VWVappear in the dreams follows often to change the position that disks of the spine does not застаивались in one positions. When address to physician Sudden appearance pains in the field of loins is most often connected with so named "lumbago". In this case to physician possible not to address even though pain very strong - it is necessary simply immediately to concern with the exercises on sprain. Than earlier we shall begin their do, that quicker dispose of this busy and painful ill. But here is in the event of damage межпозвоночных disk follows to address to physician, since this process can bring to partial palsy even. The Offset disk possible to recognize on spreading the pains from back to leg or both leg. Numbness is replaced In more heavy events pain or light tickling sensation, distinctly felt in limbs. The Exact diagnosis possible to put(deliver) by means of рентгенодиагностики or computer томографа. If backache is a consequence of some accident or is accompanied the retching, diarrhoea, blood in urine, high (above 38 degrees) by temperature or sign of influenza then in such event necessary urgently to cause the physician. Unless turn attention on such симптомы, that this can much bad ends - a damages of the spine often bring about heavy posledstviyam. go the text a Headache. From headache quicker whole possible dispose, having drunk tablet, however this will not bring the profits our organism. Particularly in that events, when yesterday we have mildly abused the alcohol. In this situations headache has purely physical reason breach acid-alkaline balance, which possible restore, removal soup from sauerkraut. Here is the simplest recipe such капустника: зажарить on fat before transparency two small , small chopped bulbs, add the quarter of the kilogram of the pickled cabbage and divorce the litre of the bouillon (possible use dry, pressed cube). All contents to boil the half an hour on small fire, then the salt, black or red pepper, add cut ham or sausage and immediately before presenting on table to fuel the ложечкой of the tomato paste and sour cream. You will Return, however, to more important deals. If us мучает the headache or any other malaise, does not follow be immediately thrown to the first medicine, which we seem approaching. We must, what does in such event present physician, first put(deliver) the diagnosis. Other word, find the reason of the bad general state. The Headache can have an ensemble of the reasons. If for previous day we too much have drunk or выкурили unusually big amount of the cigarettes, then all understandable. If headache begins to torment us after several business hourses in stuffy premises, that reason can be гипоксия, or, in plain words, oxygen голодание. In such event it is enough half an hour to walk on become cool the air. If walk will not help, follows to try the massage. His(its) possible execute by itself as follows: cushion of the index fingers, attached to medium лба on lines of the growing hair, three times powerfully hold at direction to whisky. Then carrying finger on bridge of nose and press on надбровную area, gradually moving in sides. Hereon big and index fingers take for VWVtake in, delicate massage the back part of auricle. After firmly we compress both palm a neck behind, then such giving motion get to shoulder joint. Usually five - ten minutes of the massage can be it is enough that headache disappeared. The Headaches possible to split into four main groups depending on reasons of the origin. To the first group we rank to pains, connected with spasm container; the second group includes to pains, appearing as return reaction on breach of activity internal organ; the pains of the third group is caused swing of the blood pressure. In the last, quarter, group possible to unite to headaches, appearing as a result stress and nervious tensions. The Practice confirms that the трудноизлечимые pain pertain to the fourth group. Women(woman)s more often than men suffer from headaches,

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